ThreatEyeThreatEye User GuideDownload PDF
Using ThreatEye : Casebooks : Findings
The Findings widget is a table that displays each finding with information that can help you see more detailed information. Only 5000 of the total results can be displayed in the table.
Timestamp: The date and time of the finding.
Type: The type of threat.
Message: The name of the threat.
Hostname: The hostname from where the finding originated.
Source Address: The source IP address of the finding.
Dest Address: The destination IP address of the finding.
Category: The category of the finding which tells the analyst the type of attack.
Disposition: The outcome of the research set by analyst.
Domain: The domain of the finding.
Flow Count: The number of flows that include the finding.
Tags: The tags that help the analyst search on the type of finding.
Magnifying Glass (icon): Click the magnifying glass icon to view the details of the finding. (Details, Flows, Finding JSON, PassiveDNS, Intelligence, Comments).